• Open to all skill levels: No prior experience is required.
  • Free to attend: Just make sure to register in advance.
  • What to bring: Indoor shoes (flats or gym shoes), shin guards, and bottled water.
  • Duration: Approximately 30-45 minutes, with players grouped by age.
  • Post-trial: Players will receive a team invitation letter that needs to be completed promptly.

If you’re interested in joining a PFA team, it’s highly recommended to register for the ID trials. They offer year-round training and games, with teams competing in leagues, tournaments, and national events.

Are you planning to register for the trial? If you need any help with the registration process or have any other questions, feel free to ask!


Open tryouts begin September 20, 2024,> can’t make it… call 312.778.4369 or email info@paksfutsal.com

  • 6:00p: >2018-2016
  • 6:45p: >2015-2013
  • 7:30p: >2012-2010
  • 8:15p: >2009-2006